Welcome to The  Circle!
You've come "home" to where you belong!
You're looking for a safe space to be yourself and share the experiences of your spiritual journey without judgment, criticism or being disregarded.
This looks like any or all of these…
  • Experiencing intense emotions that you can’t connect to any conscious experiences in your life right now, but they have you feeling upset, sick to your stomach, anxious, and even taking them out on the people around you.
  • Having physical symptoms, conditions, or ailments that you don’t understand how, with everything you are doing…all the affirmations, positive thinking, releasing work…still seem to be presenting themselves and aren’t getting any better.
  • Feeling confused, overwhelmed, or lost in all the “healing” and inner work you have already done and not seeing the results you expected even after all of it as if you aren't doing something "right" or maybe you haven’t “learned your life lessons” enough.
  • Having no one around you or in your life that you can share the unusual experiences you have without being seen as either crazy or too woo woo for those around you so you keep them to yourself, which alone can drive you a little crazy and questioning whether you are just imagining all of it.
  • Wanting to be part of a collective of high vibrational energy with others on a similar journey who finally "get" you and what you are going through.
  • Feeling alone on your spiritual journey and unsure of your next steps because you don't know what may be the best things to "learn" with all the information out there.
  • Experiencing things you can’t explain, like spirits communicating with you or sudden buzzing in your ear and you think that you may be imagining it or have some condition you are not aware of yet.
I know what it's like to be experiencing things others around you aren't and feeling alone in it all, unsure of what to do with what you know is happening that you don't understand clearly for yourself.
You wonder how to deal with the things you are seeing, feeling, and experiencing that you can't always put into words to explain to others in a way they might understand.
You feel like you are moving along a path that is so unfamiliar to you that it brings up more fear than joy in traveling it.
You are ready to be done with the "going it alone" part of the journey and want to find a connection with others who are traveling it too.
I have been there on my journey, so I truly understand!
It's time for you to have the support, companionship and connection you crave!
What if you could finally...
  • Find your circle of souls who understand you and relate to what you are going through where you finally feel like you belong! 
  • Understand the experiences you are having that are metaphysical, spiritual, and energetic in nature and what they mean from a higher perspective so that you can see them more clearly for yourself as well!
  • Be part of a circle of people who support, love, and accept you for being who you are so you don't have to hide that from yourself or anyone else anymore!
  • Heal the emotional and physical traumas and pain you still carry to finally open up to all the wonderfulness that your spiritual journey has to offer you!
  • Be in high vibrational energy that assists you in releasing the old version of you so you can step into the new higher version of who you are becoming on your spiritual growth journey with more ease and flow in the experiences you want to have!
  • Create the life you dream of and take the leaps of faith you know will allow you to do so with ease, joy, and fun!
What you really want is a place to belong, to be accepted and loved as who you really are.
And when you find this place...it's like waking up in a whole new world!
Look no further...You've found your circle!
  • Where you are seen, loved, and accepted.
  • Where you are lifted up and held in a space for you to experience and express your highest divine potential, purpose, and possibility in your life.
  • Where you receive information and healing that takes you to new higher levels on your spiritual journey. Offering you new ways of looking at your life and what you are experiencing in it.
  • Where you can ask your questions and receive the answers you seek. Helping you to embody what you receive so that you are living it in your daily life.
  • Where you are part of a high vibrational space that keeps you at the level of energy that you want to be able to create what you desire in your life.
  • Where you don't have to go it alone because you aren't meant to. Life is so much easier when you have the resources, support, and "hand-holding" that gets you to where you want to be.
  • Where you have access to higher-level teachings, resources, and information to expand your understanding of your human experience and live your life at a higher level of vibration as you grow on your spiritual journey here.
I have been aware of my spiritual journey my whole life. I wish I would have been part of a circle of others who could relate and understand what I was experiencing as I made my way along my path that often felt very lonely.  
Early on in my journey, when I was much younger and wasn’t fully aware of how to navigate the experiences I frequently had, I had to figure things out on my own, which was not always easy and often very uncomfortable and confusing. I wished I had more support and human guidance to help me along my way.
Although I am truly grateful for all of my experiences in hindsight, and I wouldn't change any aspect of my life, I still would have appreciated clearer guidance that was more readily available when I was treading through the murky waters and figuring it all out.
I would have loved to have more information and insight into what I was experiencing and how to navigate through what I experienced that has brought me to where I am now.
At this point, I can easily tap into all kinds of information, intuitive guidance, and communication with higher beings so my journey is a lot easier and smoother now.
I want to help do the same for others so they can still experience all the growth and expansion their soul intends, but without the confusion and loneliness in navigating it on their own.
I have found that being part of a high vibe community accelerates my growth and the results I want to experience in my life over doing it on my own and keeps me at the higher level I want to be living my life from all the time.
Imagine being a part of the soul community that you've been looking for and experiencing yourself at a higher level by being part of it!
Well, now you can!
Come and Join Us In...
The Higher Consciousness Circle

Where living on purpose and in a higher vibrational energy just got simpler!

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey,  The Higher Consciousness Circle can help you:
  • Feel supported, empowered, and inspired to enjoy and embrace who you really are and make your choices based on that, rather than being influenced by the world around you
  • Have the spiritual guidance and direction that helps you to easily stay aligned with the path you want to be on
  • Deepen your connection with yourself, your intuition, and higher energies that support you in each moment of your daily life to be living the highest and best version of who you are and can be 
  • See beyond your old conditioning so that you have more clarity, confidence, and connection with your truth and what your soul wants to experience in this lifetime
  • Understand higher perspectives of what is possible for you by opening and expanding your consciousness and awareness to new heights in how you view this physical experience and your life 
  • Stay in high vibrational energy and a higher frequency from which you create your life in each moment and what you attract into it 
  • Receive consistent healing, creation, and activation energies without having to think about them consciously by yourself, allowing them to work on your behalf and experience the magic and miracles that come from them
The Circle is a simple and easy way of being part of a high vibrational space all the time that helps you stay in the higher frequency that you create your life from...in your relationships, finances, health, spiritual growth and so much more!
It is the way of having help with remaining in the frequency of attracting what you desire by not having to do it all by yourself!
Come into The Circle and let the rest of the day melt away!
Being part of The Higher Consciousness Circle
you will experience:
1.  Being held and included in a safe, loving, high vibrational circle of energy every day!   (Priceless)
You are held in high vibrational energy that surrounds and enfolds you, keeping you in a space that resonates and vibrates above the frequency you are used to.
By being part of this energetic container that has been consciously created for you, you experience shifts and upleveling of all aspects of your physical and energetic bodies and systems and how that shows up in your reality. 
You are the average of the 5 people you associate with the most, so being conscious of whose energy you are spending time in is important in you maintaining your own vibrational frequency at the highest possible levels for you.
2.  Monthly Masterclass with Q&A  ($600 value)
Each month there's a Masterclass, that runs about 2 hours, on a variety of energetic, metaphysical, and spiritual topics to raise your awareness and expand your consciousness to understand your life, and how it's all for your highest good, from a new, divine perspective.
You'll be able to interact and ask questions to receive the most out of the class and receive practical information and energetic practices/processes that will transform the way you live your life in a higher way.
There is always a replay you can review if you are unable to attend live or want to go through the information again.
Some monthly topics include:
  • What energy is and understanding yours as being both a spiritual being and a human being
  • Consciously manifesting what you desire and only including what you WANT to be created
  • Raising your vibration to align your Point of Attraction with what you truly desire
  • Healing emotional wounds and attachments 
  • Being a channel and how to tune into the unseen information available to you
  • And more…you'll have the opportunity to offer topic ideas you'd like to know more about too
3.  Monthly Vortex of Creation Circle™  ($250 value)
Each month you'll experience being part of the Vortex of Creation Circle™ to offer your desires, dreams, and creations that you want to bring into your reality.
In the Vortex of Creation Circle™, the energy of creating what you desire is opened up and held within the circle which powerfully amplifies it beyond you alone to bring them into our physical reality more confidently and quickly.
4.  Monthly Distant Healing Energy Session  ($150 value)
Each month, you'll be included in the distant healing session where you'll receive healing energy that will work on any area of your physical body that you are experiencing pain, discomfort, ailments, health concerns, or dis-ease, from headaches, body aches, and pains, to chronic conditions that you've had for a while.
You do not have to do anything in particular to receive it, as you automatically will, other than setting your intentions for the healing you want to create through receiving this high-level blast of energy. You are welcome to relax and notice what you may be feeling while it is happening.
5.   Activation Audios  ($198 value)
You'll receive access to Activations relating to the Masterclasses and the collective energy of The Circle that will help guide its creation.
An Activation energetically opens you up to something you already have access to, such as dormant abilities, qualities, and gifts, that you are not conscious of to open for yourself.  Some Activations are meant to be received once and others can be received multiple times.  It depends on the intention of the Activation and what it is meant to open up within you.
6.  Monthly Energy Blast™  ($250 value)
Each month, you'll receive my proprietary Energy Blast™ to assist you with experiencing greater physical, emotional and mental healing; conscious manifesting of your desires; and raising your vibrational frequency to align you with what you desire to experience in your life now. 
This happens one Monday a month and is offered live in our private community where it remains available for 7 days if you are unable to attend live or want to receive it multiple times.
* Bonuses *
1.  Additional Guided Audios and Activations  ($198 each value)
These will enhance and amplify your vibration, growth, and expansion in being part of The Circle throughout the month.
2.  A Private Community to Connect with Other Members  ($900 value)
Connect with other members of The Circle to support, encourage, and share in a safe private community.  
Ask your questions on the weekly Q&A thread for my individual support, insight, and inspiration.
3.  Added to my daily energy work  ($900 value)
Receive daily balancing, harmonizing, activating, and raising of your energy system and physical body to hold you in the highest frequencies of ease, flow, and alignment with what you want to create and experience in your life now. Allowing you to express and experience your highest potential, purpose, and possibilities in this lifetime. This is the work I do for myself before I start each day and you'll be included in it too. 
4.  Quarterly Energy Calibration  ($250 value)

To help calibrate your energy for the transitions that are occurring and will continue to occur as we move into higher and higher dimensional energies, releasing the old energies that we've held on to for so long, I will offer quarterly Energy Calibrations live in our private community.  

Your energetic and physical systems will align with the new higher frequencies rather than being "choppy" and taking a longer route to do so. Y
ou'll receive the calibration and upgrade to your energy's frequency more smoothly!
5.  Special Member Offers and Surprise Extras  (Tons More Value)
*Please be aware that recordings, replays and audios are available if you are unable to attend live and the previous ones are available to you as soon as you join.
Total Monthly Value = $3,000 Plus!
Discover for yourself how being part of this powerful, high vibrational and sacred energy will transform every aspect of your life forever!
What others have to share about their experiences...

"I absolutely love being in The Higher Consciousness Circle! It came to me exactly when I was looking for it. It’s like a library of answers to all the questions I have on my connection to the Universe. I enjoy all of Tammy’s teachings which always seem to be what I have been self-exploring that month, as well as the bonus activations. I also like that we can ask questions each week and that there are live energy blasts and the Vortex of Creation Circle. It has really helped me to further understand so many things I had questions about as well as I feel more supported by the Universe. I also like being in the energy of everyone in this group and of course Tammy’s amazing, generous and playful energy. There is just so much goodness in this group and I am so glad I joined!!" Randie Rolontz, NYC, NY

"My guides brought me The Higher Consciousness Circle via Facebook and it has changed my life! I have never done energy healing before and then BOOM! here is just what I need to clear my ascension energy. Tammy has an energy connection I've never experienced before with anyone. The monthly Energy Blast is wonderfully intense and the Vortex of Creation Circle is great! I've never felt such a high vibration in just a few weeks. And since I have been in Tammy's energy, my vibration has increased at least 75% from where it was and my life experiences have gotten so much better than they were before, and in much simpler, easier and aligned ways."  Bill Hobart, Detroit, MI

"I joined The Higher Consciousness Circle when I was searching for a spiritual teacher to guide me on how to deepen my understanding of my own spiritual journey. Someone I can talk to about energy, my experiences, learn techniques, and practices from. Tammy delivers in all aspects! The monthly Masterclass teaches a variety of subjects and includes practices to develop at home. I have learned so much at my own pace and feel more balanced, focused and less scattered. I now have tools in my spiritual tool box that I know how and when to use! The Vortex of Creation Circle allows me the space and time to positively focus on what I want to create in this human experience. The Healing Energy Blast gives me the space to consciously dive into physical, emotional and spiritual trapped energy carefully and with love.  The included audio meditations and Activations have become part of my daily routine, I feel happier, healthier, and like I found my tribe. As they say, your vibe attracts your tribe, this group of like minded individuals who are serious about learning to navigate this human experience from the highest place of love are an inspiration and I am happy to be a part of it!" Kelene Gunderson, Fairhope, AL

"Thank you for sharing your knowledge and yourself with us. You provided insights, challenged our thinking, answered questions that were there, and got us moving forward. Thanks again!" Gerry
"Tammy is one of those special people that comes around once in a lifetime!" Charles B
It’s time to be part of the collective energy that will transform your life in powerful and profound ways!
You aren't on this journey alone, so stop trying to figure it all out by yourself!
Join us and be a part of the support, love, and connection you've been asking for!
This is your ANSWER and it is here for you NOW! 
The Higher Consciousness Circle is for you if you…
* Want to be free to share your experiences and questions about:
  • Seeing and feeling energy and spirits
  • Dreams, visions and higher messages
  • Consciously manifesting the things you want
  • Healing your body, mind, and emotions from the heaviness they still carry
  • Raising your vibration to match the life you want to live
  • Exploring higher levels of consciousness
  • And anything you can come up with through what you've seen, heard, felt and experienced that you haven't been able to find the answers you seek or the people who understand what it all is
* Are ready for a new level of information, connection, and experiences that are beyond what you have known before
* Are ready to experience higher perspective views of understanding why you are here and how you can live your highest version of yourself
* Know that once you experience this new information your life will never be the same and who you are becomes more than this finite existence you have been functioning from until now
* Are willing to invest in yourself and become the best version of yourself because you have the power to understand who you are and what is possible for you 
Frequently Asked Questions
What is The Higher Consciousness Circle? 
         A: It is an online monthly subscription community to help you keep your vibration high and create your life the way you want it to be by being in a safe space with others on their spiritual journey. It is important in your spiritual growth and expansion to maintain a high vibe space for yourself, but that can be challenging to do on your own. Being part of the Circle makes it easy because you are automatically held in a high-level vibrational energy in every moment you are a part of it and that alone begins to change your life and how you experience it. With the added benefit of all the Circle offers you each month, your life can only get better and you'll experience the magic and miracles that await you!
What if I want to cancel my membership?
        A: You can cancel your membership at any time and you will no longer be charged for any further months of the membership. You will finish out any time left on your current paid month with access to all membership benefits for that remaining time, and if you have an annual membership, it will not renew for the next year.  ***Please be aware that the monthly membership investment will remain the same as long as you are an active member and will not increase when the membership is raised. If you cancel and choose to return, it will be at the current monthly membership investment at that time.
Is The Higher Consciousness Circle for me?
         A: The Circle is for you if you want support, connection, and guidance as you navigate your spiritual journey. You are not meant to go it alone, as that is more challenging when experiencing that which is unknown, unfamiliar, and unseen along your journey. Having others to help you makes the journey more enjoyable, clearer, and understandable than figuring it out on your own. Being on the journey with others also accelerates the uplifting of the collective energy that you are a part of and contributing to as well.
How can I access The Higher Consciousness Circle information and materials?
         A: You'll create an account to access all of the Circle information and materials. You can access them from your computer and mobile devices anywhere you are. You'll have access to 90 days worth of monthly Masterclasses and Activations. There will be additional guided audios and Activations that you will continue to have access to that support you along your journey. Often times, access to too much information can be overwhelming, so working with a certain amount of it, and repeating it as you take in new information from it as your consciousness raises, is more helpful than just having access to a large amount of information that you are not fully integrating, embodying and implementing for the most benefit in your life.
How much time will it take me each month?
         A: As much as you want to give to it. Since you are always creating your life, however much time you want to give to your spiritual growth and upleveling your human experience is up to you. You may be inspired to spend more one month and less another. There are no rules for how you must experience your journey, so just allow yourself to feel into what you need and want in the moment and do that. Since you'll have access to the information for 90 days, and as long as you remember a member, you can move through it as you desire and what is best for you.
I've been on my spiritual journey less or more time than others, will it still help me?
         A: Definitely! Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, having support, guidance, and being connected with others who are on theirs as well is always beneficial. It helps you to maintain the level you have achieved and continue to grow and expand in new ways as you desire. When you are on your journey alone, or jumping around to different information and sources, it can feel like you go backward or lose momentum on your journey. Being part of a community that is created with the intention of holding a higher vibrational space for you to be in at all times while you are part of it, assists you in the work you are doing to continue to live your best life and express yourself as the divine being you are. When you need support or guidance or have questions that a book or video or program can't answer, you'll be able to receive it being part of The Higher Consciousness Circle. Your life will only get better each day because of it!
You are welcome to ask me any questions you may have, that are not listed here, to help you decide if The Higher Consciousness Circle is best for you now.
It's decision time!
Are you ready to be part of something that supports you, loves you, and holds the energy of who you want to be in your life!
Join The Higher Consciousness Circle to receive all the amazing benefits and support you desire and deserve!
$198 per month
Become an annual member of 
The Higher Consciousness Circle 
and save $34 per month
+ receive a bonus private session with me (a $333 value)!
© 2021 Create By Vibration LLC